
Golden Bingo – The Healthy Mix Dinners 3

We introduced the concept of a Golden Bingo a couple of years ago – giving the Skinnymixers Community a chance to cook their way through the new cookbooks to win a Golden Ticket

Each presale we have a very limited number of Golden Tickets that find their way to new owners in the presale orders of the new book. Each person who receives a Golden Ticket has the opportunity to join our recipe development team. 

That means you get access to all the new recipes as we are creating them and help us develop the recipes and variations to be the best they possibly can be – PLUS we have a bit of fun while we do it!

Everyone who is involved with the new books receive automatic signed copies, although there aren’t any expectations on the amount you need to cook.

We had a HUGE number of Bingos for our last book launch. Honestly, it was crazy that Leia Scott managed to take out Golden Bingo by cooking every single recipe in SkinnyAmerica in just 6 Days! 

For The Healthy Mix Dinners 3 we will have the following! 

  • 6 x Golden Tickets to be found in presale orders that include Dinners 3.
  • 2 x Golden Tickets plus Skinnymixers T-Shirts for the first 2 people to cook-the-book with photo evidence. (so 1st & 2nd will receive a ticket each)
  • PLUS everyone who cooks-the-book within 30 days and enters this Golden Bingo – there are an additional 2 Golden Tickets to be won by random draw.

To Enter the Golden Bingo

  1. You must have photo evidence that you cooked all of the recipes within the 30 days (11:59pm April 20th, 2025). Please post  your bingo in the Skinnymixers Facebook Group.
  2. You must submit your entry below.
  3. Everyone who meets the criteria will go into the Golden Ticket draw on April 22nd and winners will be posted online. 

Golden Bingo Entry

THM Dinners 3 confirmation form
