Skinnymixer’s Cheese and Bacon Muffins are a very special guest recipe from our very own Mez! Cheesy, crispy bacon and...
Skinnymixer’s Chicken Congee Thermomix recipe is a basic savoury rice porridge, however the flavour of the skinnymixer’s Chicken Stock Concentrate...
These Sweet & Spicy Apple Chips from SkinnyEntertaining are incredibly moreish....
Skinnymixer’s Sweet Peach Iced Tea is exclusive to the Thermomix cookbook SkinnyBarbecue....
Skinnymixer’s Hasselback Baked Apples feature in the Thermomix Cookbook SkinnyBarbecue....
Skinnymixer’s Berry Pancake Traybake with Sweet Lemon Sauce is the perfect breakfast to prepare for a crowd with minimal effort....
Glazed Ham was something I hadn’t experienced growing up and until I created this Thermomix recipe I couldn’t wrap my...
Skinnymixer’s Sautéed Spinach features in the Thermomix cookbook The Healthy Mix VI Cookbook. All recipes are found in The...
This stunning Very Berry Cobbler features in the Thermomix Cookbook SkinnyBarbecue....
This Cinnamon Swirl Loaf Thermomix recipe from The Healthy Mix V is exactly what you would want from anything cinnamon—it’s...