Skinnymixer’s All-in-One Steamed Chicken, Veg & Rice is a really versatile Thermomix recipe, great for meal prepping or using leftover...
It is crazy how much flavour is packed into the Mexican Rice Salad in SkinnyEntertaining...
The Zesty Chipotle Prawns & Corn Salsa from The Healthy Mix V will become your go-to entertaining recipe for Summer....
This Sweet & Sour Pork All-in-One Thermomix recipe is exclusive to The Healthy Mix IV....
Although a traditional Paella cannot be achieved in the Thermomix, this Spanish Rice recipe from A Little Taste of Spain...
Skinnymixer’s Chicken Congee Thermomix recipe is a basic savoury rice porridge, however the flavour of the skinnymixer’s Chicken Stock Concentrate...
Skinnymixer’s Green Goddess Chicken Meal Prep feature in the Thermomix cookbook The Healthy Mix VI Cookbook....
Spanakorizo is a humble spinach and rice dish that is full of nutrients and flavour. You can enjoy it either...
Chow Mein is a favourite Chinese take-away choice for many, and I think this is an awesome recipe not only...
A humble rice dish that we found all over Mexico. While it is a simple dish, it is packed full...