This all-in-one sausage Thermomix recipe is fantastic for a quick, family pleasing meal and you can easily reduce or increase...
Skinnymixer’s Char Kway Teow features in the cookbook SkinnyAsia. It will be love at first bite with this epic Char Kway...
These Lunchbox Quiches from The Healthy Mix IV cookbook are perfect to cook on Sunday ready for the kids’ lunches...
Skinnymixer’s Mango Chicken Curry features in the Takeaway section of the cookbook The Healthy Mix Dinners 2....
I know there have been a few people waiting for a Skinnymixers Baba Ganoush recipe… well after tasting this during...
Glazed Ham was something I hadn’t experienced growing up and until I created this Thermomix recipe I couldn’t wrap my...