Skinnymixer’s Summer Peach Frośe (Frozen Rośe Cocktail) is our new drink for the Summer – add all ingredients and blend!...
Skinnymixer’s Cranberry Sauce is the perfect condiment to go with the TOP SECRET CHRISTMAS RECIPE and another TOP SECRET CHRISTMAS...
Skinnymixer’s Christmas Pudding is a very special recipe shared with our community by our wonderful Mez (Marianne)....
With SkinnyAsia being released this Friday, we thought it was the right time to release our Healthy Hoisin Sauce Thermomix...
This Mushroom and Chestnut Dumplings Thermomix recipe is full of flavour and a mushroom lovers delight....
These delicious Turkey Stuffing Meatballs are super easy to make in the Thermomix for Christmas or make a festive bring-a-plate...
Skinnymixer’s Baileys Custard is an extra special treat this festive season – it pairs perfectly with Mez’s Christmas Puddings....
We’re excited to share a homemade Thermomix recipe for Vegetarian Oyster Sauce that’s not only free of seafood but also...
Skinnymixer’s Japanese Chicken Curry Thermomix recipe features in the cookbook SkinnyAsia. If you are a fan of the Golden Curry,...
Skinnymixer’s Chicken Congee Thermomix recipe is a basic savoury rice porridge, however the flavour of the skinnymixer’s Chicken Stock Concentrate...