These delicious Chocolate Peppermint Bliss Balls are so quick and easy to make in the Thermomix. Involve the kids in...
This popular Malaysian dessert, usually found wrapped and steamed in banana leaf, is a beautiful way to finish off the...
While originally an Indonesian dish, most Australians are familiar with a Malaysian style Rendang, which has a drier sauce....
This is an authentic Malaysian laksa paste, which means that it packs a hot punch! If you prefer your laksa...
This Creamy Chicken and Cauliflower Soup made in the Thermomix is so creamy but completely guilt free & dairy free....
The Mexican Frittata makes a fantastic weekend brunch dish, which is unique and full of flavour. You could also...
I have wanted to come up with my own healthy Gyoza meatball recipe ever since The Clothes Make the Girl...
Known as the Capitans Curry, this is a spicy, salty and slightly sour Malaysian chicken curry with a legend to...
This is a classic Skinnymixers recipe and my debut into the world of cooking curries many years ago. A flavour-packed...