These delicious Turkey Stuffing Meatballs are super easy to make in the Thermomix for Christmas or make a festive bring-a-plate...
Skinnymixer’s Christmas Pudding is a very special recipe shared with our community by our wonderful Mez (Marianne)....
With SkinnyAsia being released this Friday, we thought it was the right time to release our Healthy Hoisin Sauce Thermomix...
Recently we released my Mum’s Sweet Lamb Curry recipe that uses Keen’s Curry Powder as part of our 10 years...
Skinnymixer’s Chicken Cashew Stir Fry features in the Takeaway section of the cookbook The Healthy Mix Dinners. Cashew Chicken is another...
Skinnymixer’s Cranberry Sauce is the perfect condiment to go with the TOP SECRET CHRISTMAS RECIPE and another TOP SECRET CHRISTMAS...
We’re excited to share a homemade Thermomix recipe for Vegetarian Oyster Sauce that’s not only free of seafood but also...
Skinnymixer’s Japanese Chicken Curry Thermomix recipe features in the cookbook SkinnyAsia. If you are a fan of the Golden Curry,...
Skinnymixer’s Singapore Noodles features in the Takeaway section of the cookbook The Healthy Mix Dinners....
Skinnymixer’s Creamy Thai Chicken Noodle Salad features in the upcoming cookbook The Healthy Mix Dinners. Being released on Friday the 31st...