Skinnymixer’s Pistachio Spread is rich, nutty, gluten-free and a little indulgence that you can now make at home....
Skinnymixer’s Grimberry Shake is delicious and has an extra protein boost using cottage cheese....
Skinnymixer’s Yellow Curry Sauce is sweet, salty, fragrant and incredibly easy to add a delicious Thai curry flavour to any...
With Easter around the corner we thought that a Skinnymixers Hot Cross Bun recipe was a perfect way to celebrate....
We’re excited to share a homemade Thermomix recipe for Vegetarian Oyster Sauce that’s not only free of seafood but also...
Skinnymixer’s Gingerbread Bliss Balls are the perfect festive sweet treat to snack on this holiday season! ...
Skinnymixer’s Agua Fresca is a refreshing Mexican fruit drink that will quench any thirst....
Skinnymixer’s Classic Vanilla Ice Cream features in the Sweets section of the cookbook The Healthy Mix Dinners 2. Recipe is...
Skinnymixer’s Cranberry Sauce is the perfect condiment to go with the TOP SECRET CHRISTMAS RECIPE and another TOP SECRET CHRISTMAS...
The Chilli Oil in SkinnyAsia is so incredibly easy to make in the Thermomix and is sure to add a...