Skinnymixer’s French Toast is a delicious breakfast to make at home – without the cost of eating out at a...
Skinnymixer’s Cheese and Bacon Muffins are a very special guest recipe from our very own Mez! Cheesy, crispy bacon and...
These delicious Turkey Stuffing Meatballs are super easy to make in the Thermomix for Christmas or make a festive bring-a-plate...
Skinnymixer’s Chicken Congee Thermomix recipe is a basic savoury rice porridge, however the flavour of the skinnymixer’s Chicken Stock Concentrate...
Skinnymixer’s My Dad’s Lamb Risoni Bake features in the new cookbook The Healthy Mix Dinners. Hopefully this book helps takes...
Skinnymixer’s Crispy Rice Salad with Honey Lime Dressing is the kind of salad that you just can’t stop eating! ...
Skinnymixers Yum Yum Pasta Salad is a delicious Thousand Island dressing inspired Pasta Salad perfect for feeding a crowd on...
Skinnymixer’s Japanese Chicken Curry Thermomix recipe features in the cookbook SkinnyAsia. If you are a fan of the Golden Curry,...
Recently we released my Mum’s Sweet Lamb Curry recipe that uses Keen’s Curry Powder as part of our 10 years...
Whip up this healthy Quick Sauerkraut in no time at all with the help of the Thermomix & Thermomix Cutter!...