While in the kitchen baking some fresh Hot Cross Buns, I’m not entirely sure whose idea it was that we...
These delicious Turkey Stuffing Meatballs are super easy to make in the Thermomix for Christmas or make a festive bring-a-plate...
Skinnymixer’s Chicken Congee Thermomix recipe is a basic savoury rice porridge, however the flavour of the skinnymixer’s Chicken Stock Concentrate...
Bananas, whipped cream, buttery pastry and a delightful thick caramel sauce… there is a very good reason that Mez is...
The Potato Bake variation of the NEW Creamy Tuscan Chicken recipe in The Healthy Mix Dinners has taken Skinnymixers by...
Skinnymixers Yum Yum Pasta Salad is a delicious Thousand Island dressing inspired Pasta Salad perfect for feeding a crowd on...
Skinnymixer’s Japanese Chicken Curry Thermomix recipe features in the cookbook SkinnyAsia. If you are a fan of the Golden Curry,...
The Buffalo Chicken Dip Cob Loaf is a show-stopping party recipe that combines the moorish flavors of buffalo chicken and...
Over the last week the Skinnymixer’s Community has been searching for a Gluten-free variation of an ANZAC Biscuit....
Skinnymixer’s Hidden Veg Chicken Nuggets features in the Takeaway section of The Healthy Mix Dinners cookbook. “Mum, we want nuggets and sweet...