This is a Skinnymixers spin on a traditional recipe. By making the delicious sauce from scratch, you can be confident...
This all purpose BBQ Marinade was actually reserved for the new book, ‘The Healthy Mix II’. I decided that all...
I wrote this recipe originally to put in my first book, A Little Taste of India, but I made the...
Crusted Cauliflower is a low carb, low calorie, flavour-packed Thermomix snack recipe and the perfect addition to your Spanish Fiesta....
The Cajun Chicken Salad from The Healthy Mix V would have to be my favourite recipe in the cookbook....
Skinnymixer’s Salsa Verde Thermomix recipe is from the cookbook SkinnyBarbecue....
Mayo is my favourite condiment, and making your own mayonnaise from scratch makes it a super healthy, delicious dairy free...
This Creamy Garlic Sauce Thermomix recipe is sure to take your dinner to the next flavour level....
I had a beautiful dinner with a friend at a pub this week, and trying to choose a ‘healthier’ option,...
This week, I thought I would be clever and choose an easy topic, ‘Thermomix dips’ for the peoples choice healthy...