This Mushroom and Chestnut Dumplings Thermomix recipe is full of flavour and a mushroom lovers delight....
Skinnymixer’s Sambal Chilli Sauce features in the cookbook SkinnyAsia – but we decided to release it ahead of the book...
Skinnymixer’s Yellow Curry Paste features in the cookbook SkinnyAsia and is used to make the delicious Fragrant Fish Curry....
Introducing a very special recipe featured in SkinnyAsia – Betty’s Yum Cha Black Bean Pork. You might’ve seen Betty Wong’s...
When we put the call to the Skinnymixers Community for recipes to help celebrate 10 years of Skinnymixers, the lovely...
Skinnymixer’s Peanut Dipping Sauce features in the cookbook SkinnyAsia. If you love a good Thai Satay Peanut Sauce, this is the...
Skinnymixer’s Dumpling Dipping Sauce features in the cookbook SkinnyAsia. The perfect dipping sauce for the SkinnyAsia Gyoza and Kimchi Pancakes....
Skinnymixer’s Japanese Style Curry Powder features in the cookbook SkinnyAsia. If you are a lover of the Golden Japanese Curries...
What would you cook for a MasterChef Perino tomatoes mystery box challenge ? I had so many ideas but I...
Before there was the SkinnyBarbecue World Championship Cheesecake or the SkinnyEntertaining Very Berry Cheesecake, my go-to celebration cheesecake for many...