We’re excited to share a homemade Thermomix recipe for Vegetarian Oyster Sauce that’s not only free of seafood but also...
Bananas, whipped cream, buttery pastry and a delightful thick caramel sauce… there is a very good reason that Mez is...
Before there was the SkinnyBarbecue World Championship Cheesecake or the SkinnyEntertaining Very Berry Cheesecake, my go-to celebration cheesecake for many...
This Chicky Chocolate Spread is the perfect Nutella treat for the kids these school holidays....
Skinnymixer’s Very Berry Cheesecake features in the cookbook SkinnyEntertaining....
Pumpkin Pie is an iconic dish in many North America households around the Thanksgiving and Christmas time – but we think it’s also...
When we put the call to the Skinnymixers Community for recipes to help celebrate 10 years of Skinnymixers, the lovely...
We are celebrating the Low ‘n’ Slow American Dreaming Dinner for Tasting Australia with a Sneak Taste of the menu...
Skinnymixer’s Basic Vanilla Ice Cream recipe is perfect to create any combination of ice-cream flavours you like in your Thermomix...
Skinnymixer’s Fruit Salad Dip features in the cookbook SkinnyEntertaining....