This is a very simple Spanish dish which can be served as an amazing tapas or entrée or as a...
Fried almonds are a staple tapa found served for free across Spain in Tapenas, bars and restaurants. These spiced Thermomix...
Paprika Chicken is a delicious, quick and family friendly Thermomix recipe that has a gorgeous colour and complex flavours while...
Bruschetta is a simple classic that is great for breakfast, lunch or as an appetiser for entertaining. Preparing this in...
With Christmas around the corner, I thought it was time to create a healthy table snack of Thermomix Nuts. ...
I think that we ate our weight in Patatas Bravas in Spain, a popular tapas staple that varies from bar...
This Warm Spanish Olives recipe turns a bowl of olives into an impressive, aromatic tapas dish that brings a beautiful...
A Thermomix Bombay Potato Salad has been requested by two of my favourite Skinnies – Gem & Katie – for...
Recently I asked the Skinnymixers Facebook Group which dessert they would want to see in time for celebrating Christmas… the...
These Thermomix Apricot & Coconut Balls are healthy, lunch box friendly and much cheaper than buying from the shop....