Gelatine de Leche is the Mexican dessert recipe from the Skinnymixers Thermomix Cookbook, A Little Taste of Mexico....
You will find Carnitas served at almost every taco stand in Mexico; typically on a soft fresh tortilla with coriander,...
Since we announced that the next book was going to be ‘A Little Taste of Mexico’, the Skinnymixers Facebook Group...
Dirty Chai is my absolute favourite drink to order when I get the luxury of sitting down at a café, and...
One of my favourite Skinnymixer’s has been nagging me for months to make a Thai Red Chicken Curry Thermomix recipe,...
Skinnymixers Sopa de Lima is a Chicken Lime Soup featured in the Mexican Thermomix Cookbook ‘A Little Taste of Mexico‘....
In preparation for the launch of A Little Taste of Mexico, I thought a Chipotle Chilli in Adobo Sauce recipe...
I got stuck out and about the other day without any food, and I still have Mexico travel weight to...
Chicken and vegetable soup is something that has always daunted me – Mum always made it when we were sick...
Skinnymixer’s have been enjoying this Thai Red Curry Paste for a number of years. We knew the minute we decided...