With Easter around the corner we thought that a Skinnymixers Hot Cross Bun recipe was a perfect way to celebrate....
This Blue Cheese Sauce is the perfect dipping sauce for my healthier Thermomix Buffalo Wings or makes an amazing Thermomix...
Apricot Chicken was selected as the ‘People’s Choice’ community recipe after I was absolutely inundated with requests for it! I...
This dairy free cream cheese is a great alternative for dips, and as someone who should ideally follow a dairy...
Skinnymixer’s Sweet & Spicy Korean Sauce is exclusive to the Thermomix cookbook SkinnyBarbecue....
Skinnymixer’s brings you The Perfect Chicken Breast in the SkinnyBarbecue cookbook....
The Quick Chicken & Sweet Potato Curry has been a popular recipe of mine for many years....
Mez’s Famous Potato Wedges – During recipe development for the NEW SkinnyBarbecue Thermomix Cookbook, Mez made us the most...
Persian Love Cake has been a recipe I have wanted to try for over 4 years, after a Skinnymixer suggested...