Our new cookbook The Healthy Mix Dinners 2 is full of warming, Slow Cooker friendly recipes perfect for a low...
This is a super easy, tasty and quick Chicken Chasseur Thermomix recipe that can be served up to your family...
One of the most famous French recipes also happens to be one of the humblest – this French Onion Soup...
This Stifado Thermomix recipe is exclusive to the cookbook A Little Taste of Greece....
Tre Carne Ragù from the Skinnymixers Thermomix cookbook ‘A Little Taste of Italy’, is the hearty three meat Italian sauce...
Recently I was chatting with the owner of a local French grocery store and I asked him what French recipe...
If you are looking for a dinner to impress, the Coq au Vin Blanc from the Thermomix cookbook A Little...
This Souvlaki is exclusive to the Thermomix Cookbook A Little Taste of Greece. It doesn’t get more Greek than Souvlaki,...
This Creamy Marsala Chicken is a Skinnymixers spin on the American-Italian favourite. It could not be easier to make in...
You will find Carnitas served at almost every taco stand in Mexico; typically on a soft fresh tortilla with coriander,...