This Mushroom and Chestnut Dumplings Thermomix recipe is full of flavour and a mushroom lovers delight....
Whip up this healthy Quick Sauerkraut in no time at all with the help of the Thermomix & Thermomix Cutter!...
For those wondering about my Mum’s Famous Cucumber Salad on the back of SkinnyEntertaining 🙂 This was a SURPRISE to...
Is it strange that as someone who isn’t the biggest seafood fan, has always wanted to create a classic Mignonette...
Skinnymixer’s Nuts & Bolts – Our spin on the classic recipe “Nuts & Bolts” using the Queen of BBQ Chicken...
skinnymixer’s Sweet & Sour Dipping Sauce is the perfect sauce for those Hidden Veg Chicken Nuggets from The Healthy Mix Dinners!...
This Chicky Chocolate Spread is the perfect Nutella treat for the kids these school holidays....
The Sweet Chilli Sauce from SkinnyEntertaining isn’t your typical Sweet Chilli Sauce… it isn’t loaded with a heap of sugar....
Skinnymixer’s Tomato Relish features in the Thermomix cookbook The Healthy Mix VI Cookbook....
Mez’s Famous Potato Wedges – During recipe development for the NEW SkinnyBarbecue Thermomix Cookbook, Mez made us the most...