Everyone needs a list of go-to 30 minute Italian dinner Thermomix recipes, especially for those nights that you need a...
Gelato is a quintessential experience when visiting Italy, and my favourite flavour has to be Lemon. When I first tried...
This Thermomix recipe transforms simple peas into a delicious side dish, with humble ingredients that will complement many different meals....
I’d have to say this Riso al Forno (baked risotto) from the cookbook A Little Taste of Italy is the...
This Hazelnut Torte is a decadently rich combination of chocolate and hazelnuts, and is one of the most delicious Thermomix...
This Creamy Marsala Chicken is a Skinnymixers spin on the American-Italian favourite. It could not be easier to make in...
Tre Carne Ragù from the Skinnymixers Thermomix cookbook ‘A Little Taste of Italy’, is the hearty three meat Italian sauce...
Minestrone is a classic Italian favourite, dating back to pre-Roman times. What I love about this Thermomix recipe is that...
Patricks absolute favourite food to order when eating out with his Nana is Arancini, but recently the local Italian cafe...
Creamy Tuscan Prawn Linguine cooked in the Thermomix, is one recipe from the cookbook A Little Taste of Italy that...