While this Duck à l’Orange Thermomix recipe not a strictly traditional recipe or method of cooking, it captures the essence...
One of the most famous French recipes also happens to be one of the humblest – this French Onion Soup...
If you are looking for a dinner to impress, the Coq au Vin Blanc from the Thermomix cookbook A Little...
It turns out that this Chicken Cordon Bleu Thermomix recipe is not actually a French recipe at all, but rather...
Mousse au Chocolat is one of the most decadent, rich experiences you can ever have with food. This French Chocolate...
Ratatouille is a hearty French vegetable stew made even more famous by a cute rat that convinced kids everywhere to...
Recently I was chatting with the owner of a local French grocery store and I asked him what French recipe...
This is a super easy, tasty and quick Chicken Chasseur Thermomix recipe that can be served up to your family...
The Café de Paris Butter Thermomix recipe from the cookbook A Little Taste of France is incredibly decadent, delicious and...
French Onion Dip is my absolute FAVOURITE all time dip and this healthier, quick French Onion Dip Thermomix recipe is...