This has been another popular recipe on the website for around three years now. While steamed meat may not be...
Peanut butter and jam (or jelly for our American community members) is a classic flavour combination, put together on everything...
Every year the community cries out for healthy Thermomix recipes to use up excess lemons, and every year I think...
One of the most popular questions in the Skinnymixers Facebook Group is ‘What are the best Thermomix Recipes to Freeze?’....
Hi it’s Sian here! We’ve had a few people asking about everyone’s favourite Thermomix Recipes with Mince lately....
Dark chocolate is one of my choice treats when I am watching my diet because I am fairly good at...
Salted caramel is extremely trendy right now, extremely delicious and usually extremely naughty! These Chocolate Puddings steamed in the Thermomix...
Everyone has been a little pie maker crazy lately in the Skinnymixers Facebook Group, since the release of the...
I had a beautiful dinner with a friend at a pub this week, and trying to choose a ‘healthier’ option,...
Persian Love Cake has been a recipe I have wanted to try for over 4 years, after a Skinnymixer suggested...