Although a traditional Paella cannot be achieved in the Thermomix, this Spanish Rice recipe from A Little Taste of Spain...
Tortilla is an iconic Spanish dish, loved across Spain by locals and tourists alike which can be found served hot...
This rustic, intense Thermomix soup recipe, with an explosion of layered flavours, will impress any seafood lover with its generous...
Romesco Sauce is a versatile accompaniment to seafood, grilled meats and vegetables that originates in Catalonia, Spain. Whilst traditionally served...
This is a very simple Spanish dish which can be served as an amazing tapas or entrée or as a...
The Chorizo & Potato Stew is a hearty family favourite that will fill bellies right up! This is a fantastic...
Gazpacho is an ancient dish, originating in Spain and evolving over centuries to include modern ingredients such as tomato. Many...
Crusted Cauliflower is a low carb, low calorie, flavour-packed Thermomix snack recipe and the perfect addition to your Spanish Fiesta....
Basque is a region in the Northwest of Spain, that has a very vibrant and rich culinary history. Basque Chicken...
I think that we ate our weight in Patatas Bravas in Spain, a popular tapas staple that varies from bar...