Basque is a region in the Northwest of Spain, that has a very vibrant and rich culinary history. Basque Chicken...
Fried almonds are a staple tapa found served for free across Spain in Tapenas, bars and restaurants. These spiced Thermomix...
Apple Pie Oat Bars are the perfect Lunchbox snack. Our kids, Leilani (6) and Patrick (5), LOVE the choc chip...
Bruschetta is a simple classic that is great for breakfast, lunch or as an appetiser for entertaining. Preparing this in...
With Christmas around the corner, I thought it was time to create a healthy table snack of Thermomix Nuts. ...
I think that we ate our weight in Patatas Bravas in Spain, a popular tapas staple that varies from bar...
Paprika Chicken is a delicious, quick and family friendly Thermomix recipe that has a gorgeous colour and complex flavours while...
A Thermomix Bombay Potato Salad has been requested by two of my favourite Skinnies – Gem & Katie – for...
Recently I asked the Skinnymixers Facebook Group which dessert they would want to see in time for celebrating Christmas… the...
These Thermomix Apricot & Coconut Balls are healthy, lunch box friendly and much cheaper than buying from the shop....