After spending 5 days and nights eating non stop Mexican food on our recent cookbook research trip to Mexico, I woke...
Shepherd’s Pie is a true winter classic… A great way to create a budget friendly, veggie filled meal in the Thermomix...
Skinnymixer’s have been enjoying this Thai Red Curry Paste for a number of years. We knew the minute we decided...
One thing became quickly apparent when recently work-tripping in America… they have TERRIBLE coffee! It definitely got me thinking about...
I have been doing a version of this healthy pumpkin soup for about 10 years now, and there has been...
I freaking LOVE cheesecake… any kind of cheesecake really, afterall; what isnt there to love about cheese AND cake!...
One of my favourite Skinnymixer’s has been nagging me for months to make a Thai Red Chicken Curry Thermomix recipe,...
This is a quick, healthy & delicious mid-week meal disguised as a fancy pants one. ...
While holidaying in America, I conquered my fear of ordering seafood and tried a salmon and barley dish – it...
I like to keep a batch of Dukkah in the freezer for when guests drop in, or I need to...