Skinnymixer’s Summer Peach FroÅ›e (Frozen RoÅ›e Cocktail) is our new drink for the Summer – add all ingredients and blend!...
Skinnymixer’s Christmas Pudding is a very special recipe shared with our community by our wonderful Mez (Marianne)....
Bananas, whipped cream, buttery pastry and a delightful thick caramel sauce… there is a very good reason that Mez is...
Glazed Ham was something I hadn’t experienced growing up and until I created this Thermomix recipe I couldn’t wrap my...
Skinnymixer’s Baileys Custard is an extra special treat this festive season – it pairs perfectly with Mez’s Christmas Puddings....
The Buffalo Chicken Dip Cob Loaf is a show-stopping party recipe that combines the moorish flavors of buffalo chicken and...
This Chicky Chocolate Spread is the perfect Nutella treat for the kids these school holidays....
Skinnymixer’s Basic Vanilla Ice Cream recipe is perfect to create any combination of ice-cream flavours you like in your Thermomix...
A couple of weeks before the launch of SkinnyEntertaining I made the most delicious Confit Garlic Pull Apart Bread, then...