Sangria is known worldwide as the quintessential Spanish drink, which is fantastic for serving on a hot day. This “punch”...
With New Year’s Eve approaching, it seemed like the perfect time to work on a healthy Thermomix cocktail recipe for...
With Christmas around the corner, I thought it was time to create a healthy table snack of Thermomix Nuts. ...
I love a Dirty Chai Latte and I also love ice cream (who doesn’t?) – this is the perfect...
‘If you love a raw treat, this Cherry Choc Slice ticks all of the boxes; it is decadent, gluten free,...
Apple Pie Oat Bars are the perfect Lunchbox snack. Our kids, Leilani (6) and Patrick (5), LOVE the choc chip...
Recently I asked the Skinnymixers Facebook Group which dessert they would want to see in time for celebrating Christmas… the...
Pina Colada Sorbet was one of the first recipes I created for the Healthy Mix II....
‘ This is a great late night sweet tooth appeaser but suitable for many dietary restrictions. Team up with the...
Coconut Rough is one of my most favourite childhood treats. I used to love buying the little gold foil patties...