Butter Chicken also known as Murgh Makhani, this popular dish needs no introduction. While this Butter Chicken may be a...
The Lassi is an Indian yoghurt based drink, which is often served after a spicy curry in place of dessert....
A new Thermomix spin on the traditional Chicken Biryani, this dish will delight the senses with its medley of colour,...
A quintessential Mughlai curry, the Korma is a mild yet rich cashew nut yoghurt based curry, which is frequently preferred...
While not a traditional Indian dish, this spicy prawn curry pays tribute to the memories my family and I created...
Inspired by Toni Fergusons ‘Herbed Cauliflower Couscous’, this recipe will entice even the biggest of rice lovers! An exciting step...
Bhuna Gosht is an Indian term meaning ‘meat curry’, traditionally made with mutton or lamb....
This is the official place for Skinnymixers Butter Chicken discussion and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ). We all know that Nik...
This is a classic Skinnymixers recipe and my debut into the world of cooking curries many years ago. A flavour-packed...