Apple Pie Oat Bars are the perfect Lunchbox snack. Our kids, Leilani (6) and Patrick (5), LOVE the choc chip...
Bruschetta is a simple classic that is great for breakfast, lunch or as an appetiser for entertaining. Preparing this in...
These Thermomix Apricot & Coconut Balls are healthy, lunch box friendly and much cheaper than buying from the shop....
A delicious zesty chicken dish that is perfect for a summer BBQ from the amazing crew at ‘The 4...
The Creamy Lemon Butter Chicken from Lala’s Kitchen is one of those Thermomix recipes that you will want to add...
A Thermomix Bombay Potato Salad has been requested by two of my favourite Skinnies – Gem & Katie – for...
With Christmas around the corner, I thought it was time to create a healthy table snack of Thermomix Nuts. ...
Pina Colada Sorbet was one of the first recipes I created for the Healthy Mix II....
When the Skinnymixer’s Recipe Testing Team starts raving about a recipe, then you know it is going to be good!...
This Beetroot Relish is super versatile and easy in the Thermomix; you can serve it with a big brekky (amazing with...