Picadillo chicken is traditionally used in Mexico as a stuffing recipe for chillies, tortillas and empanadas and will be loved...
Skinnymixers Guacamole Thermomix recipe is exclusive to the Cookbook A Little Taste of Mexico....
In preparation for the launch of A Little Taste of Mexico, I decided a semi-skinny Thermomix cocktail was in order! ...
My creamy garlic sauce is a huge hit amongst the LCHF crowd and those who just love food which tastes...
Dirty Chai is my absolute favourite drink to order when I get the luxury of sitting down at a café, and...
This is a zingy Jalapeño Salsa which will lift any dish with its delicious balance of tangy and salty....
Refried Beans made in the Thermomix, are absolutely nothing like the cans of refried beans that you buy at the...
Since we announced that the next book was going to be ‘A Little Taste of Mexico’, the Skinnymixers Facebook Group...
I got stuck out and about the other day without any food, and I still have Mexico travel weight to...
Chicken and vegetable soup is something that has always daunted me – Mum always made it when we were sick...