Skinnymixer’s Crispy Rice Salad with Honey Lime Dressing is the kind of salad that you just can’t stop eating! ...
It turns out that this Chicken Cordon Bleu Thermomix recipe is not actually a French recipe at all, but rather...
The Café de Paris Butter Thermomix recipe from the cookbook A Little Taste of France is incredibly decadent, delicious and...
This is a super easy, tasty and quick Chicken Chasseur Thermomix recipe that can be served up to your family...
Recently I was chatting with the owner of a local French grocery store and I asked him what French recipe...
I only recently learnt how to pronounce Niçoise Salad, for those of you reading who aren’t entirely sure either—it sounds...
A Little Taste of France is HERE! 🇫🇷🍴🧀🥂🍫 My 9th cookbook – A Little Taste of France is now available for...
Mousse au Chocolat is one of the most decadent, rich experiences you can ever have with food. This French Chocolate...
Who doesn’t LOVE a potato bake?...
Ratatouille is a hearty French vegetable stew made even more famous by a cute rat that convinced kids everywhere to...