This Hazelnut Torte is a decadently rich combination of chocolate and hazelnuts, and is one of the most delicious Thermomix...
This Blue Cheese Sauce is the perfect dipping sauce for my healthier Thermomix Buffalo Wings or makes an amazing Thermomix...
This Banana Nut Smoothie Bowl is a healthy Thermomix version of one of my all-time favourite treats … a calorie...
Granola is such a popular breakfast option, and I am regularly asked where the Skinnymixers version is. What I love...
When I began developing this Bacon, Cheese & Chive Quiche Thermomix recipe, I didn’t realise just how well-rounded it would...
Blueberries are considered an antioxidant superfood and are a great way to combat sugar and carbohydrate cravings. The added healthy...
The idea for this Protein Booster came about when I was looking into natural protein powder options to add more...
I still remember the morning when I spent 30 minutes over the stove carefully whisking Hollandaise sauce by hand to...
Lamb is one of my favourite meats and I particularly enjoy it alongside sweet potato. When we developed this Thermomix...