With school returning tomorrow for my kids, I thought it was about time I did something mini for their lunchboxes...
Colorado Mole is a Thermomix recipe from Skinnymixers 4th cookbook, ‘ A Little Taste of Mexico’....
A humble rice dish that we found all over Mexico. While it is a simple dish, it is packed full...
Refried Beans made in the Thermomix, are absolutely nothing like the cans of refried beans that you buy at the...
In preparation for the launch of A Little Taste of Mexico, I thought a Chipotle Chilli in Adobo Sauce recipe...
The roasted balsamic strawberries is a recipe which has been in the Skinnymixers Facebook Group for a few years now....
This hearty recipe is fantastic for a big Mexican Fiesta, as you can prepare it ahead of time to free...
Gelatine de Leche is the Mexican dessert recipe from the Skinnymixers Thermomix Cookbook, A Little Taste of Mexico....
The Skinnymixers Chile Con Queso Thermomix Recipe can be found in the cookbook A Little Taste of Mexico....
In preparation for the launch of A Little Taste of Mexico, I decided a semi-skinny Thermomix cocktail was in order! ...