I had a beautiful dinner with a friend at a pub this week, and trying to choose a ‘healthier’ option,...
Mushy peas are traditionally served with fish and chips in the UK, but here in South Australia we like our...
Crusted Cauliflower is a low carb, low calorie, flavour-packed Thermomix snack recipe and the perfect addition to your Spanish Fiesta....
Fried almonds are a staple tapa found served for free across Spain in Tapenas, bars and restaurants. These spiced Thermomix...
Apple Pie Oat Bars are the perfect Lunchbox snack. Our kids, Leilani (6) and Patrick (5), LOVE the choc chip...
Persian Love Cake has been a recipe I have wanted to try for over 4 years, after a Skinnymixer suggested...
Sangria is known worldwide as the quintessential Spanish drink, which is fantastic for serving on a hot day. This “punch”...
I think that we ate our weight in Patatas Bravas in Spain, a popular tapas staple that varies from bar...
This Warm Spanish Olives recipe turns a bowl of olives into an impressive, aromatic tapas dish that brings a beautiful...
A Thermomix Bombay Potato Salad has been requested by two of my favourite Skinnies – Gem & Katie – for...